Andrea Paudice

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Assistant Professor (Tenure Track)
Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University

Email: and [dot] paudice [at] gmail [dot] com
Others: Google Scholar, GitHub, LinkedIn

About me

I am assistant professor (tenure track) at the Department of Computer science of Aarhus University, where I'm part of the Algorithms, Data Structure, and Foundations of Machine Learning group.

Prior to this, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Milan, Italy. I worked among the LAILA team led by professor Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi.

I obtained my PhD from the University of Milan, under the supervision of Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi and Massimiliano Pontil.

You can find more about my background on my LinkedIn.

Research Interests

My recent research interests revolve around the foundations of machine learning with emphasis on stochastic optimization and generalization bounds, and what is the impact of heavy-tailed noise in these areas.

More precisely my interests spans the following topics:

  • Zero-th and first-order stocastic optimization

  • Uniform convergence and algorithmic stability

  • Active learning

  • Applications to adversarial learning and computer security

My list of publications is available on my Google Scholar.

If you are interested in working with me feel free to drop me an email!


I'm currently looking for a PhD student with a solid mathematical background to work on topics in stochastic optimization and generalization bounds. If you are interested, drop me an email with a short description of your interests and a copy of your resume.


  • Nov. 24: our paper on fat-shattering dimension bounds got accepted at IPL (joint work with E. Esposito and R. Colomboni)!

  • Oct. 24: our paper on clipped subgradient methods got accepted at SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science (joint work with D.A. Parletta, M. Pontil, and S. Salzo)!